Once your website is up and running, as well as growing at a steady pace, it’s time to take your content marketing to the next level. That means having more integrated content and using a wider variety of formats.

Advanced content marketing means working to strengthen your brand, voice, and personality because through that you’ll become a thought leader in your niche. You’ll become the website and business that your prospects turn to.

With content marketing you gain the unique ability to fine-tune your audience. Through personas and market segmentation, you can begin to craft content that speaks to your ideal customer. You’ll forge a stronger bond and create brand loyalty. This is the power of content marketing and if you’re ready, it’s yours for the taking.

Tell Your Story

As your business has grown you may have strengthened your brand identity or you may have veered away from it. Take some time now to:

  • Revisit your business plan
  • Review your vision and mission.
  • Are you on track? Has anything changed?

One of the best ways to cultivate a following is to create a strong brand. Identify your brand promise. What do you stand for and why? Then make sure that promise is instilled in every piece of content you create.

Increase Your Formats and Mediums

Begin reaching out to a wider audience by using different content formats and mediums. For example, if your content has been primarily print content, consider trying infographics or create a six-second Vine video. Branch out and embrace more content marketing opportunities.

Dig Deeper and Really Get to Know Your Customers

Until now, you may have been marketing to a broad audience. For example, if you were a small business coach then your content may have been directed at all small business owners. By now you have an idea of who you prefer to work with and what types of customers are the best for your business.

You have the opportunity to create an ideal customer profile using marketing segmentation tools, and you have the ability to take your marketing to the next level and create unique messages for various market segments.

What you can do now?

  • Review your brand vision and mission. Is your current content marketing strategy in line? Are you sending the message and telling the story you want to?
  • Draft a few paragraphs that describe what you believe to be your ideal customer. Who are they? What benefit do they gain from doing business with you? Why are they your ideal customer?